Loan Privileges (as per PU Calendar)
Category | No. of books to be issued | Loan Period |
Fellows & Principals | 08 | one month |
Professors, Lecturers, Directors of physical education, Librarians, Research Scholars | 06 | one month |
Library Workers, Demonstrators | 04 | one month |
Special Members | 04 | one month |
Students Studying for | ||
(i) Master's Degree | 06 | one month |
(ii)Bachelor's, & Undergraduates | 04 | one month |
Conditions of Loan
Loss of Book
Misuse of Library Privileges
Use of library material is based on honour policy. Taking out a book, periodical or any other material from library at any time, for any purpose, by any body without getting it recorded at the circulation counter is violation of the honour policy. Any misuse of the library privilege or misbehaviour would be considered a breach of discipline and necessary action will be taken. Penalty for seeking or attempt to seek double membership or additional reader's tickets through wrong declaration will be Rs 100.00
Damage to Books or Library Property
Any damage to reading material like stains, marking, writing up, tracing, dog-earing and physical injuries constitute damage which shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Director / Librarian within the stipulated time limit, otherwise the member concerned shall have either to replace the book with a new copy or pay double the price of the book.
The member who will be defaulter for more than one month may be refused for the services and in case of long defaults the membership privileges may be withdrawn.
Clearance Certificate
All issued items, Pass Books; Reader's tickets are the property of the library and are to be returned. Dues(if any) paid and a clearance certificate be obtained at least one week before appearing in the University Examination or before the member ( including staff & faculty members of PURC- Ludhiana ) leaves his / her institution.
For the kind attention of all library users
Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )
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